The Seven Sisters Sangha is currently meeting EVERY TWO WEEKS IN-PERSON at The Engine Room in Tottenham Hale, with occasional meetings ONLINE. Meetings take place on TUESDAYS - the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
Each evening will include a guided meditation, a walking meditation and/or a silent meditation. There will also be a group Dharma reading/talk and an opportunity to share experiences of your practice in our deep listening space.
Just drop in. No commitment required to follow a course over weeks or months.
Heart of London Sangha
Meets IN PERSON every Saturday at the Friends Meeting House, 8 Hop Gardens WC2N4EH and every Thursday evening and Saturday morning ONLINE.
North London Sangha
Meets IN PERSON every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each week at Hampstead Quaker Meeting House, 120 Heath Street, Hampstead, NW3 1DR from 7pm to 9pm. All other Tuesday meetings are ONLINE.
Richmond Mindfulness Meditation Group
Family Sangha London